What are the benefits of living near a lake?


Given we’re rougly 60% water, it kind of makes sense that lakeside living promotes many benefits. So, let’s dive right in and see what’s what!

Mental and physical health boosts

Looking at water every day can move the soul. Just look at the poetry and music written about it for starters. Studies have likewise demonstrated that living lakeside might also mean you’re breathing in fewer pollutants, plus the odds are, there are more incentives to be out and about getting fresh air. The water often stunningly reflects what’s going on in the sky making for a beautiul backdrop to lots of activities.

Biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols wrote a book called The Blue Mind which details how living near a body of water can boost mental health. It details all the fascinating neurological, psychological, and emotional changes our brains go through when we're living close to water. The way it engages us at a sensory level can, says this book, move us in profound ways.

Nichols suggests that being close to water makes us happier, calmer, and more emotionally healthy, and that it can re-shape for the better and positively impact other aspects of life, like relationships, and business. Then there are all those recreational activities water holds...

Water based activities

Perhaps just looking at the water isn’t enough and you’d like to be in it, subject to health, safety, permissions and common sense of course. We’re talking wild or open swimming here, fishing and boating. We’ve cleared aquatic weeds in many bodies of water to facilitate all of the above.

There’s also boating, fishing, kayaking, and paddleboarding possibly going on too in many lakes.

Stunning views

And then there’s the stunning lakeside views too of course. With so many of us working from home now, having a scenic view that is always changing is just great, plus it's motivational and potentially stress-busting. If relaxing, watching the sunset over the water is more your bag, or you’re retired or you have a young family, it’s just an ideal environment to enjoy time together as a family.

Better sleep and reduced anxiety

And speaking of relaxation, another lot of research by, this time by Dr. W. Christopher Winter, author of The Sleep Solution, suggests that being near a body of water can help with creativity, and even makes sleep easier.

Meanwhile, 2018 UK study, Marine Biota and Psychological Well-Being, threw the weight of scientific proof behind some of these theories.

It measured the heart rates and blood pressure of participants while they observed an empty tank of water, a partially stocked aquarium tank with fish and plants, and then a fully stocked tank with double the number of species.

While the study showed that even staring at an empty tank of water lowered blood pressure and heart rates, the therapeutic benefits grew in parallel with the added biodiversity.