( Typha latifolia )
Bulrush ( Typha Latifolia) otherwise known as Reedmace or Broadleaf cattail, Bulrushes grow between 1.5 and 3m high, spreading rapidly in slow-moving, shallow waters. Bulrushes grow freely at the roots and unless contained, it will completely occupy a site rapidly.

At the Aqua Contractor we would mechanically cut the weeds with our t-cutter or trailing knives, we would then remove them from the watercourse with our front rake. We would recommend this to be done during winter/early spring.
Delivering excellent manoeuvrability in all conditions and incorporating a choice of weed cutting and weed removal attachments including trailing knives, t-cutter bar and weed rakes, our versatile, efficient workboats provide the ideal method for the removal of debris, floating and submerged weeds.